STOCKTON, Calif. – April 22, 2012 – M & C Association Management Services, Inc., an Associa company, raised more than $34,000 for Associa Cares at its most recent vendor event.
“We want to thank all the vendors and everyone involved for their generous donations,” said M & C CEO Heather Kerwin. “We are fortunate that we have built relationships with these local businesses and can call upon them to help raise funds for such an important organization.”
The fundraiser doubled as a “speed dating” function featuring 34 local vendor partners and all of M & C’s community managers and assistant managers. The funds were raised through both contributions from vendors and through raffle sales.
Associa Cares relies on volunteers from national and local committees to help identify people in both Associa and non-Associa managed communities affected by tragedies.
Associa Cares is a national nonprofit 501(c)3 organization created to assist families and communities in crisis as a result of natural and man-made disasters. Through donations provided at fundraising events across the country, Associa Cares is able to provide necessary goods and services to the families affected by these types of tragedies. If you know of a family who has been the victim of a natural or man-made disaster, go directly to to submit a request.
M & C Association Management Services, Inc. is an Accredited Association Management Company® providing community association management to Northern and Central California for more than 20 years. With offices in Stockton, Modesto, Pleasanton, Copperopolis, and Redding, M & C’s focus is on delivering performance which enriches communities and enhancing the lives of the people it serves. To learn more, visit or find us on Facebook by visiting
Building successful communities for more than 30 years, Associa is North America’s largest community association management firm and serves its clients with local knowledge, national resources and comprehensive expertise. Based in Dallas, Associa and its 8,000 employees operate more than 150 branch offices in the United States, Mexico and Canada. To learn more about Associa and its charitable organization, Associa Cares, go to and